A new team of local promoters traveled together to the first SPARSE local promoter meeting in Italy (Villa Pigna from 2nd to 6th of October of 2023).

Our team is reppresenting the villages:
Szajk, Hosszúhetény, Szalatnak, Alsószentmárton, Vásárosbéc by Gátszeginé Kálmán Beáta, Poór Gabriella, Gulácsi Erika, Bicskei Róbert, Bánki Eszter, Popa Zoltán.
The network will be coordinated by Sinum Theatre which is based in Szalatnak as well.
Looking forward the new collaboration and adventures in the next four years.
See pictures about the local promoter meeting in Marche Region hosted by AMAT (Associazione Marchigiana Attivitá Teatrali)