Sinum Theatre is one of the SPARSE plus project’s partner

Picture was made in Villa Pigna on the 3rd of October 2023 during the second day of the first local promoter meeting. There are every partner’s contact person and the local promoters from the partnership countries.

Find out more about the project:

“SPARSE plus – Supporting and Promoting Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe plus is a Creative Europe funded project, it includes the original SPARSE partners: Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali (Marche, Italy) as Coordinator with SA Eesti Tantsuagentuur (Estonia), Artists Group Fish Eye (Lithuania), Shoshin Theatre (Transylvania, Romania), Riksteatern Varmland (Varmland Sweden); with new partners Pro Progressione (Hungary), SINUM (Hungary), Nova Sit (Czech Republic), Teatro 4Garoupas (Germany), Art Fraction Foundation (Poland) and Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo (Tuscany, Italy).

Building on SPARSE successes, it will expand and deepen the rural touring network, providing access to high quality professional arts events in rural communities. According to EU statistics 30% of Europe’s population live in a rural area, access to services is worse and social exclusion is higher in rural areas.

There will be 150 performances by at least 45 artist companies in 50 rural communities to 7.500 audience members. 20% performances will be cross border and slow travel will mitigate environmental impacts with partners offsetting carbon emissions.

A live and digital mentoring programme will support 50 local rural touring promoters and at least 45 artist companies to learn the essential mechanics of rural touring, including visits to experienced rural touring partners.

There will be 3 key events; a kick-off meeting for 50 promoters and 11 partner staff; a public facing Symposium for 100 delegates (policymakers, funders, cultural associates) and a final Conference will share learning and launch the next 4 years programme for 100 delegates (local promoters, partners, artists, potential new partners and associations).

To capture and disseminate learning a new SPARSE Network website will host the project and feature new rural touring toolkits for artists and local promoters translated into various partner languages; a free to access recorded mentoring programme; evaluation, research and advocacy reports; and a film documenting the project.”


ISTA / New Genaration 2023 in Hungary

Theatre Olympics 2023 and Fondazione Barba Varley in collaboration with Sinum Theatre ISTA/NG

Directed by Eugenio Barba 17th session Pécsvárad-Pécs-Budapest (Hungary), 7-21 May 2023

The event will take place in a rural location, in the ex-monastery of Pécsvárad in Baranya county and an ISTA Festival in Pécs from 8th to 15th May 2023.

Poster made by Darinka Pilári

See the program of the event from our Hungarian-English Booklet:

“Janus mystery and carnival” in Frankfurt

Thank you for Antagon Aktion Theatre, for Protagon e.v. and for the Winterwerft Festival hosting us and giving space for our performance on the last Saturday.

This was really a unique and precious experience.

Find out more about the festival:

Flood scene, in Frankfurt am Main, at Winterwerft Festival on the 4th February
Carnival scene, in Frankfurt am Main, at Winterwerft Festival on the 4th February

Open call: ISTA / NG in 2023

Theatre Olympics 2023 and Fondazione Barba Varley

in collaboration with Sinum Theatre Laboratory



Directed by Eugenio Barba

17th session

Pécsvárad-Budapest (Hungary), 7-21 May 2023


with Eugenio Barba


For more details please visit the page: or

Application form and the program find here.

RIOTE 3 – Multiplier Event: The myth behind the community

The RIOTE 3 project which is coordinated by Sinum Theatre is reaching its end in September 2022. The association will hold a final conference in the Civil Community House of Pécs, at Szent István square 17., from 17:00 on the 15th September to show the results of the program: the book Myth behind the community and the 9th sense.

The second day of the Event is about the test performance of the book Myth behind the community, which will be the Janus mystery and carnival in the Castle of Pécsvárad, in the Abbot Astrik Hall from 18:00.

Photo of Károly Horváth

Routine – Parkour and circus – Show for a circus artist locked in his room

At the crossroads between parkour and circus Routine is about boredom, about those inactive youngsters spending their days leaning against walls, with no hope to do something with their lives. But Routine is also about hope, going beyond one’s boundaries, selfchallenging. In order to step up, Routine invites us to use our body and mind as one and only mean.

The performance will be presented at Pécsvárad on the day of 26th June at 17:30 in the Castle and in Kővágószőlős on the day of 27th June at 18:00 on the footbal field.

Facebook events: ;

Trailer of the show:

With this show, I want to give hope to all those young people who don’t believe in their future, who rather stay in their bedroom than go outside and try something. I want to show them that they must try again and again. They must keep hope to face their future, to fight
against boredom, until they find something to do out of their lives. They must try and create things, and not be afraid of falling. We all must keep moving.
That’s what this man does in the show. He tries to fight boredome with movements. He’s searching for solutions to keep moving on, as if every acrobatics would finally break the walls of his room, head, society, life…
They are not only the walls of the room; they can also represent the walls of Moroccan society, walls of borders that some of us will never cross, and walls inside our head that sometimes forbid us to go ahead.” Said Mouhssine

CANCELED – Parvathy Baul on tour in Europe and in Hungary

Because of serious illness of Parvathy’s mother the concert is postponed.

SINUM Theatre Laboratory Association will host several performances by the world-famous Bengali artist.

For a detailed programme please visit our website: or

“Parvathy Baul is a practicioner, performer and teacher of the Baul tradition from Bengal, India. She is also an instrumentalist, storyteller and painter. Parvathy’s performance work emerges from a long lineage of master Baul singers, dancers, and spiritual teachers. She studied closely with two of the most respected Baul singer-gurus of the previous generation, Sri Sanatan Das Thakur Baul and Sri Shashanko Goshai.”

Janus mistery and carnival at Szalatnak

We invite village residents to a physical theatre performance in the main Cultural Hall of Szalatnak on 19th February, at 17:00!

The play is called Janus Mystery and Carnival.

This is a contemporary mystery play, where the actors are constructing living pictures to tell a version of the life story of a Hungarian Renaissance poet, Janus Pannonius. The performance uses poems and scenes from his biography, and simultaneously evokes the image of Janus God, who is a determinant figure for cycle changes.

Through the performance we are questioning our civilization’s relationship to the cyclic changes of nature. In what way our ignorance towards cyclicality is connected to global environmental issues? How natural twists and turns affect our life on an individual and collective level? Why the celebrations of cyclic changes are not organic parts of our life anymore? It is a show that includes exciting movement choreographies with fire, acrobatic elements, singing and experimental vocal choir actions.

Our work is not language-based.

Let’s meet at Szalatnak and create a carnival together!

Janus mystery and carnival

“Attain to utmost emptiness. Cling single-heartedly to interior peace. While all things are stirring together. I only contemplate the Return. For flourishing as they do. Each of them will return to its root. To return to the root is to find peace. To find peace is to fulfill one’s destiny. To fulfill one’s destiny is to be constant. To know the Constant is called Insight. If one does not know the Constant, One runs blindly into disasters. […]”

(Lao Tzu’s Tao-Teh-Ching)

The team of Sinum Theatre has created a performance dedicating to the theme of winter solstice. The performance used poems and scenes from the life of Janus Pannonius (Hungarian Renaissance poet) and in the same time evoked the image of Janus, the ancient Roman Divinity, who was a determinant figure for cycle changes.

As part of the Riote 3 project our general aim is to investigate ancient mythologies as a potential tool for contemporary performance in order to consider and sense a different quality of presence towards our natural environment.

See our gallery (photos by Róbert Érdi and Tibor Pintér):

Cserkút (Hungary) 21st December 2021.


We are delighted to announce that with the support of Perform Europe we have been successful in our bid with Take Art to present Crossing Borders, a European Rural Touring Project for summer 2022.

Crossing Borders will bring diverse, high quality work to rural communities with the support of local volunteers. The project aims to enhance community cohesion and give rural adiences access to high quality performances through a sustainable touring model. Research shows that the carbon footprint of rural touring is at least 50% less than that of a show in a town-based theatre with more than 50% of audiences living less than 5 km from a village venue.

This Perform Europe project is being delivered by 11 partners from eight European countries. The majority of the partners are part of SPARSE Network (Supporting and Promoting the Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe), which is committed to rural touring. By building on the experience and research findings of SPARSE, the intention is to develop cross-border touring and the presentation of the performing arts by utilising the resources of hyperlocal networks and communities, and capitalising on the benefits of rural touring for artists. For this pilot project comprising 24 presentations, the partners will be touring two companies:

Company Zid, a Moroccan parkour company based in France, will tour Routine  to rural communities in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia

Art Fraction Foundation (Poland) will tour KUUKI,  an under 5’s dance show, to rural communities in Spain, UK, Germany, and Czech Republic

Read more on the project.

Partners: Crying Out Loud (UK), Take Art Limited (UK), Art Fraction Foundation (Poland), Creative Association Fish Eye (Lithuania), SINUM Theatre Laboratory Association (Hungary), Nova sit z.s. (Czech Republic), Carn to Cove (UK), Festival Sismograf – OlotCultura (Spain), SA Eesti Tantsuagentuur (Estonia), Pro progressione (Hungary), Teatro 4Garoupas (Germany).