The Weaving Voices project has ended

One of the project result, the Weavingvoices book is available on our pages:

The results of the Weavingvoices project were presented in Baranya counti at Szajk and Hosszúhetén within weaving workshopr and film projecttions.

The documentary about the workshop in Szalatnak is also available in the next link:

The Dissemination Event of Weaving Voices Erasmus plus project in Baranya county is coming soon!

Sinum Theatre Laboratory Association as coordinator will share the results of the Weaving Voices Erasmus plus project after two years:

  • The Weaving Voices book as a summary of the community development toolkit of the project.
  • Documentary film about the “Szalatnak WV week”
  • Photo gallery and textile handwork exhibition which were created during the project.

The dates of the coming events are:

14th December in Hosszúhetény

15th December in Szajk

Coming Events in May and June

  • Weaving workshop residency in Szalatnak with Rosa Smits (the Netherlands), from 7 to 12 May, in between 10:00-12:00 in the Cinema Hall and 16:00-18:00 outdoor in front of the Church (in case of bad weather inside the Cinema Hall).
  • Plant dyeing and Land Art workshop, with Nina van Hartskamp (the Netherlands), from 21 to 26 May. More details are coming soon…
  • Bündeltanz, a one act historical performance by the Oberon Theatre Company based in Pécs, directed by Krisztián Ákli. The show will be on the 4th of June at 20:00, in front of the old barn, in the garden of the house of Kossuth street 4.

The tour plan of SPARSE plus for this year is coming soon

We hava realized our menu party to celebrate and to finalize the rural touring program for this year in the villages of Vásárosbéc, Alsószentmárton, Szajk, Hosszúhetény and Szalatnak. The final program is comimng soon. ????

Participatory theatre, puppet show, dance and circus will arrive in our villages from April to May this year.

Big thank to Gabriella Poór for the hospitality in Hetény, and to Beáta Kálmán from Szajk, to Eszter Bánki and Zoltán Popa from Vásárosbéc for coming to plan together the details.

Looking forward to make the first year of Sparse PLUS – Supporting & Promoting Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe

There is a new Rural Touring Network in Baranya county coordinated by Sinum

A new team of local promoters traveled together to the first SPARSE local promoter meeting in Italy (Villa Pigna from 2nd to 6th of October of 2023).

Our team is reppresenting the villages:

Szajk, Hosszúhetény, Szalatnak, Alsószentmárton, Vásárosbéc by Gátszeginé Kálmán Beáta, Poór Gabriella, Gulácsi Erika, Bicskei Róbert, Bánki Eszter, Popa Zoltán.

The network will be coordinated by Sinum Theatre which is based in Szalatnak as well.

Looking forward the new collaboration and adventures in the next four years.

See pictures about the local promoter meeting in Marche Region hosted by AMAT (Associazione Marchigiana Attivitá Teatrali)

Sinum Theatre is one of the SPARSE plus project’s partner

Picture was made in Villa Pigna on the 3rd of October 2023 during the second day of the first local promoter meeting. There are every partner’s contact person and the local promoters from the partnership countries.

Find out more about the project:

“SPARSE plus – Supporting and Promoting Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe plus is a Creative Europe funded project, it includes the original SPARSE partners: Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali (Marche, Italy) as Coordinator with SA Eesti Tantsuagentuur (Estonia), Artists Group Fish Eye (Lithuania), Shoshin Theatre (Transylvania, Romania), Riksteatern Varmland (Varmland Sweden); with new partners Pro Progressione (Hungary), SINUM (Hungary), Nova Sit (Czech Republic), Teatro 4Garoupas (Germany), Art Fraction Foundation (Poland) and Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo (Tuscany, Italy).

Building on SPARSE successes, it will expand and deepen the rural touring network, providing access to high quality professional arts events in rural communities. According to EU statistics 30% of Europe’s population live in a rural area, access to services is worse and social exclusion is higher in rural areas.

There will be 150 performances by at least 45 artist companies in 50 rural communities to 7.500 audience members. 20% performances will be cross border and slow travel will mitigate environmental impacts with partners offsetting carbon emissions.

A live and digital mentoring programme will support 50 local rural touring promoters and at least 45 artist companies to learn the essential mechanics of rural touring, including visits to experienced rural touring partners.

There will be 3 key events; a kick-off meeting for 50 promoters and 11 partner staff; a public facing Symposium for 100 delegates (policymakers, funders, cultural associates) and a final Conference will share learning and launch the next 4 years programme for 100 delegates (local promoters, partners, artists, potential new partners and associations).

To capture and disseminate learning a new SPARSE Network website will host the project and feature new rural touring toolkits for artists and local promoters translated into various partner languages; a free to access recorded mentoring programme; evaluation, research and advocacy reports; and a film documenting the project.”
