Journey to Antagon/Protagon in Frankfurt am Main

It was something very special to temporarily forget about restrictions, and enter the protected bubble of Antagon TheaterAKTion during the Winterwerft community event, where all the participants lived and worked together for about 10 days without masks, touching and hugging each other in various physical theatre workshops and besides. We followed each other's performances and concerts live, while sharing the same space. (All participants arrived with a negative virus test, and we were in a quarantine at the festival. It worked.)Thank you for this unforgettable act to reconnect!

Videos about the workshop and the symposium

Howl workshop work demonstration and Antagon Theater's performance:

Riote 3 symposium hosted and organized by Protagon:

We remember the Journey of the Birds on the St. Mary pilgrim’s way

During 19-22 July 2020 in between the first and second waves of covid the two riote partner associations, SpecStreet and Sinum realized the Journey of the Birds, their common theatre tour in the county of Baranya, traveling through a St. Mary Pilgrims way with a performance, Conference of the Birds, visiting four locations all approximately 30 kilometres (one walking day distance) from each other: Hosszúhetény, Pécsvárad, Pécs-Tettye, Siklós.

Description of the event:

For more information about the performance see our page:

See some photos and video:

VoiceWell, vocaltheatre experiments

The aim of the first creative program of Sinum Theatre Laboratory Association was a vocal theatre research towards a future performance. After the photos, now we publish a short video about our working process.

Participants: Liliána Ilona Birtalan, Attila Buczkó, Sarolta Eörsi, Lénárd Ilyés, Zoltán Nagyhegyesi, Nikolett Németh, Géza Pintér, Tara Starling Khozein.

The video was made by Dániel Iszák.

Thanks to NKA for supporting our project. Further thanks for the collaboration of Amargant Theatre Laboratory, Soharóza and UtcaSzAK! Thanks to Artus Studio and Fűszer&Csemege for hosting our sessions.

30th November 2020, Artus Studio.

The Mood For Performance….

During the pandemic, a little group, covered with masks, came together to give voices, to sing, play and improvise, and undo inner masks!

Photos: Iszák Dani / Please see the photos here.

Participants: Birtalan Ilona Liliána, Buczkó Attila, Eörsi Sarolta, Ilyés Lénárd, Nagyhegyesi Zoltán, Németh Nikolett, Pintér Géza, Tara Starling Khozein.

Thanks to NKA's support, and to the collaboration of Soharóza and of UtcaSzAK! Thanks also to Artus Studio and the Fűszer&Csemege as places which has given us hospitality.

The RIOTE 3 project starts today

we would like to inform our friends and colleagues, that today the new RIOTE 3 Erasmus + partnership project begins and lasts for 24 months. Our new partnership is constituted by: Shoshin Theatre Association (Romania), UtcaSzAK (Hungary, Budapest), SINUM Theatre Association (Hungary, Pécs as coordinator), Kud Ljud (Slovenia), Teatro Nucleo (Italy), Antagon Aktion Theatre (Germany), Une idée dans l’air (France), Take Art Ltd. (United Kingdom). 

More information coming soon on the project website:


Message from Bergamo – the change has to arrive from inside

An interview with Tiziana Barbiero, who is the leader of Teatro tascabile di Bergamo

(The interview is in Italian, on the page of the Hungarian National Theatre)

Teatro tascabile di Bergamo in English translation would be 'Pocket Theatre of Bergamo'. TTB inspaired also our name, SINUM, which means pocket in Latin. TTB 's history and way of existing is an important example for us.

Local Heritage Project! We are in competition…

Please, add your vote to support an adult theatre and voice workshop that we have launched in the village of Nagyharsány (in Hungary).
If we win, you can see their performance at the 13th Ördögkatlan Festival!!! You can vote from abroad too! Thanks ?
If you open the link you will find on the bottom the word: 'SZAVAZOK'. means 'I vote.'

Nrithya Arpanolsavam / A divine Offering Festival of dance

Nrithya Arpanolsavam / A divine Offering Festival of dance /

The event will happen in Budavári Művelődési Ház / Budapest, on the 29 February from 18:00.

The program features an authentic form of Indian classical dances, Kuchipudi, Kathak and Bharatanatyam, stunned by surprises.
Neethu E Mohan and her disciples - Kuchipudi
Sonali Roy and her disciples - Kathak
Eva Berki, Meenakshi Dora Bittner and the dancers of Kala Samarpana - Bharatanatyam
Organized by Kala Samarpana and SINUM Theater in collaboration with Amrita Sher-Gil Indian Cultural Center. More about the event find on this link.