
“VoiceWell – Improving competences of listening for and giving voices in the communities” is an Erasmus+ Mobility project for adult education staff, between 1st July 2019 and 31st October 2020. It is coordinated by Control Studio Association in close collaboration with the members of SINUM. Our consortium partners are Spec.Street Creative Community and Soharóza community choir.

The colleagues of the partnership take part in vocal training at the Roy Hart Theatre/Artistic and Pedagogic Centre based in Malerargues, South of France, and at Reichenow Colaborative cultural association in North of Germany.

Themes of the courses: strengthening the competences of giving voices and listening, as well as raising awareness of this practice’s effect on personality-development and social connections. The aim of the professional study tours and mentor-program is that the participants gain knowledge about the internationally acknowledged Roy Hart voice-training methods, especially its potentials in community building, art-therapy and pedagogy.

During the project implementation, the partners make common effort to put into practice, transfer and distribute their gained knowledge, while they also familiarise each other with their own working approaches.

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