RIOTE 3 Erasmus + KA 2 partnership project ended in October 2022 after 24 months of duration. The partnership is constituted by: Shoshin Theatre Association (Romania), UtcaSzAK (Hungary, Budapest), SINUM Theatre Association (Hungary, Pécs as coordinator), Kud Ljud (Slovenia), Teatro Nucleo (Italy), Antagon Aktion Theatre (Germany), Une idée dans l’air (France), Take Art Ltd. (United Kingdom). 

The project website is:

(The present project is also the end of 6 years cycle: RIOTE 2016-2017; RIOTE2 2017-2019)

The RIOTE 3 project aim was to develop two innovative intellectual outputs based on knowledge and skills exchange between performing arts organizations, dealing with adult education through outdoor theatre, physical theatre or other adult educational practices in rural settlements. The project was at the same time, based on the research question: ‘As performing arts organizations, how can we develop our adult educational activity, so we can reach more of our target groups?’
The two handbooks:
1. 9th sense / as a guide to show how theatre training can improve the well-being and life-quality of individuals and the resilience of communities.

2. The myth behind the community / is a guide to show different steps towards a theatre community building it in rural area involving mainly adults, but also mixed generations. The book contains practical advises or sophisticated ideas as well.

Outdoor performing adult education can revitalize culture in socially marginalized environments with proposing: dialogic approach, critical thinking by revealing social problems, trigger the visualization of social change, interactive cultural exchange, empowerment of the community, collective education, development of multiple intelligences, strong pedagogical aspect and collaborative process.
The national networks are supposed to meet on a long-term prospective, creating the European Rural Touring Network that sustains the impact and the outputs of the project.

The eight partner worked parallel in their own villages: Bingenheim (Germany), Méra (Romania), Gagyapáti (Hungary), Highbridge (UK), Pontelagoscuro (Italy), Bežigrajska soseska 7 in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Cserkút (Hungary). One theatre group was be formed in each village with approximately 10-20 participants, through (at least a weekly) regular training process, which was leaded by one or two mentors of each partner organization in their countries.
The climax of each working process was an international Joint Staff Training, hosted in every partner country, when work can be shared for the delegated partners.

A common ground of the project was to work with a local myth in each cases: a story, a local heritage what can be re-discovered and transformed into a narrative what is connected to the memory or to the collective consciousness of the community.

The mentors participated alternately during the eight international joint staff training, where they learned new methods to implement in their village-groups. One of these methods is the application of Polar and First Beat (Heart Rate Variability – HRV measurement) instruments for a better understanding of the connection in between life quality/well being and theatre training.